Colic is often diagnosed by “rule of 3’s”

  1. Usually starts around 3 weeks of age
  2. Usually in excess of 3 hours of crying per day
  3. Usually more than 3 days per week
  4. Usually lasts for 3 months

Having a happy and healthy newborn can be challenging enough!  When the newborn isn’t comfortable or is in digestive distress, it can make caring for that child exponentially more difficult.  Having your child cry because they appear to be in pain and not being able to console them can be a heartbreaking and exhausting experience.  The good news is…chiropractic can help!

It is estimated that 10-20% of infants experience colic symptoms.  One study published in JMPT showed that up to 94% of children experiencing colic symptoms responded to chiropractic adjustments after an average of three adjustments over a two-week period.  The chiropractic connection to colic is based on the neurologic innervation to the gut and its effects on the digestive tract.  At Prior Lake Natural Health Clinic, your child’s visit will include a detailed history and chiropractic evaluation.  Based on the findings, a treatment plan will be discussed.

The child’s diet is also an area that will be addressed.  If the child is being formula fed, it is possible that they are sensitive to one or more of the ingredients.  Common sensitivities at this age can include dairy, soy and corn, which can all be found in conventional formulas.  We can discuss with you some low allergenic formula options.  If the child is breastfed, it is essential to look at the mother’s diet.  Dairy, wheat, corn, caffeine (chocolate, pop and coffee) as well as many fruits and vegetables can contribute to colic.  It is important to realize that the irritation of these foods is often due to the infant’s immature gut, and once the child is a bit older and has gained some gut integrity, foods can often be successfully reintroduced.   Switching the mother’s diet temporarily and keeping her well hydrated can help tremendously!

Cranial and fascial restrictions can also play a big part in colic symptoms.  A complete CranioSacral and transfascial evaluation will be performed and treatment options will be discussed.  All treatments with a newborn can be done from the comfort of a parent’s lap or while resting on a pillow.  Because the evaluations and treatments are so gentle, babies often fall asleep during their visit which we take as quite a compliment!